Second Lieutenant Mohammad Zakhireh

Clashes In Iran’s Baluchestan Province Result In Baby’s Death

Tuesday, 03/26/2024

A confrontation between armed men and law enforcement forces along the route from Iranshahr to Khash in Sistan-Baluchestan province has led to casualties.

Among the victims are a one-year-old baby and a law enforcement officer, with three civilians sustaining injuries.

The Baluch Activists Campaign reported that armed men initiated gunfire at two law enforcement vehicles on Monday evening, resulting in the death of a law enforcement officer.

“In response, military forces retaliated by firing at the car of a Baluch citizen, resulting in the death of one-year-old Fatemeh Bameri and injuries to three others,” it added.

The Sistan-Baluchestan Law Enforcement Information Center presented the child's death as a consequence of armed men targeting her family's vehicle and identified the officer as Mohammad Zakhireh.

The incident adds to a concerning trend of increased armed attacks leading to deaths among regime forces in the largely Sunni province. Just a day prior, Iranian media reported the killing of border guard Mohammad Mehdi Nejatinia by unidentified assailants.

Furthermore, the event echoes past instances where innocent children have lost their lives due to direct fire from regime forces.

Kian Pirfalak, a nine-year-old child, was fatally shot by government forces during nationwide protests on November 16, 2022 highlighting the impact of such confrontations on civilian lives.

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