Makki mosque in Zahedan

Plainclothes Agents Assault Travelers In Iran’s Zahedan

Tuesday, 03/26/2024

Plainclothes agents attacked several Norouz travelers in the southeastern city of Zahedan, seizing their mobile phones near the Makki mosque on Monday.

The mosque has been the center of anti-regime protests and gatherings within the past months with Mowlavi Abdolhamid, the outspoken Sunni leader delivering weekly sermons.

Additionally, the windows of several travelers' vehicles were shattered in what appears to be a coordinated effort.

Furthermore, three members of Zahedan's Makki Mosque, who were assisting Norouz travelers, reportedly faced summons and threats from security forces.

The incidents, as outlined by the Halvash rights group and echoed by Baluch activists, are perceived as tactics aimed at instilling fear and discouraging attendance at the Makki Mosque, particularly to prevent interactions with Mowlavi Abdolhamid.

Amid the atmosphere of tension and intimidation, Hossein Ronaghi, a human rights activist and former political prisoner, engaged in a conversation with Mowlavi Abdolhamid at Zahedan's Makki Mosque on Monday. Ronaghi was invited as a guest to Abdolhamid’s reception at the mosque.

Abdolhamid, known for his outspoken criticism of the Iranian regime, continues to advocate for justice and freedom despite facing opposition.

The developments unfold against the backdrop of ongoing struggles faced by Baluch Iranians, especially in Sistan-Baluchestan Province, where minority communities endure repercussions for their participation in the 2022 protests.

The province blighted by poverty and predominantly Sunni Baluch, has witnessed a heavy-handed response from the regime, with dissenters facing punishments, including execution.

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