Iran Continues Social Media Crackdown, 42 Accounts Blocked

Wednesday, 03/20/2024

Authorities in Iran's Kish Island have banned 42 Instagram accounts with a collective following over two million in the latest crackdown on social media, branding the accounts “norm breakers”.

The recent move follows the blocking of an Instagram page featuring an elderly man whose singing and dancing videos garnered widespread attention. Iranian authorities labeled the content as "criminal" and subsequently arrested 12 individuals involved in its production and dissemination.

In response to growing dissent and criticism, Iran has intensified its crackdown on social media platforms, aiming to control the flow of information and suppress opposition voices.

The government has implemented censorship measures, including blocking access to popular social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Additionally, authorities have targeted those who express dissenting views online, arresting and prosecuting activists, journalists, and ordinary citizens for their online activities.

The crackdown reflects the government's determination to maintain control over the narrative and silence dissent, despite facing widespread criticism from human rights organizations and the international community for infringing on freedom of expression.

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