Ahmad Jannati, Secretary of the Guardian Council

Iranian Officials Hail Regional Military Strikes

Thursday, 01/18/2024

Iranian officials continue to laud the missile attacks by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on positions in Pakistan, Iraq, and Syria.

Ahmad Jannati, Secretary of the Guardian Council, hailed the missile operations, stating, "the recent intelligent and powerful missile operations by the IRGC against terrorist forces once again demonstrate the comprehensive and faith-based prowess of the Islamic Republic."

Vice-President for Parliamentary Affairs, Mohammad Hosseini also said that "the action by the armed forces was very valuable and demonstrated that our words were not merely for appeasing the people."

On Tuesday, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) claimed a series of missile and drone operations against Iraq, Pakistan, and Syria. They claimed a “spy headquarters” in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, as well as ISIS centers in Syria and Jaish al-Adl militants’ group inside Pakistani territory were targeted.

President Ebrahim Raisi said the attacks were a step towards "tranquility" during the Wednesday cabinet session, though it has inflamed already mounting tensions in the region into new fronts.

The missile strike on Tuesday marked Iran's first significant incursion into Pakistan's sovereign territory. In retaliation for Iran's missile attack, Pakistan targeted several locations inside Iranian territory early on Thursday, resulting in the death of nine, including three women and four children, according to official Iranian news agencies.

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