Kazem Gharibabadi, Deputy for International Affairs of the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic

Iran Reiterates Looming Death Threats To Trump Administration

Sunday, 01/07/2024

In a veiled warning, Iran says Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, and former CENTCOM head Kenneth F. McKenzie should suffer a "lack of certainty" after the death of Qassem Soleimani.

Named as the main suspects in the killing of slain IRGC Commander Soleimani, Kazem Gharibabadi, Deputy for International Affairs of the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic said on Sunday, "At the very least, their minimum punishment is the lack of security they feel, and you see how much is annually spent to protect them."

He outlined that three legal pursuit paths have been established within the Iranian system, the Iraqi territory, and international investigations, with the International Court of Justice recognized as the sole legitimate international authority.

“After extensive investigations, an indictment was formulated in June, charging the suspects with terrorist activities and financing terrorism. The scope of the case expands beyond American borders, involving documents from five to six other countries. The initial phase will focus on pursuing American suspects, and the UK and Germany are also implicated,” he added.

In December, an Iranian court ruling on the investigation into Soleimani's killing ordered damages of nearly $50 billion against the US government and affiliated individuals and entities. The court also demanded an official apology for the drone strike that claimed Soleimani's life in January 2020.

Former US president Donald Trump defended the action, asserting that Soleimani was actively planning attacks on American diplomats and service members.

Qassem Soleimani's role in overseeing external military and intelligence operations, including support for militant proxy forces, played a crucial part in hostilities against US forces in the region.

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