Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Tehran, Iran, July 19, 2022.

Iranian Daily Brands Russia Disloyal

Tuesday, 01/02/2024

The conservative Iranian daily Jomhouri-e Eslami has issued a warning to government officials cautioning against an over-reliance on Moscow.

The newspaper criticizes Russia's recent alignment with the United Arab Emirates in denying Iran's territorial integrity over the disputed Persian Gulf islands, Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa.

The hardline daily said that "despite claims of friendship" Russia's support for the UAE is "characterized as unanticipated betrayals, prioritizing their interests over diplomatic alliances".

Last month, the sixth Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum in Morocco concluded with a statement reiterating the UAE’s claim over the islands. Moscow had previously voiced its support for UAE’s claim back in July during a joint summit between the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Russian Federation.

The piece warns Iranian officials against over-reliance on Moscow, cautioning that Iranian officials might have placed too much trust in Russia.

Russia's relationship with the UAE has flourished in the wake of the war on Ukraine with Russian oligarchs flocking to the small Arab state free of sanctions. However, since the war, Tehran has become ever closer to Moscow, supplying drones used in the war on Ukraine as the two sanctioned nations warm, putting Moscow at the center of the historic conflict.

Historical and geographical records substantiate the longstanding connection of the three Persian Gulf islands to Iran. Despite this, the United Arab Emirates persistently claims ownership, characterizing the situation as an "occupation by the Islamic Republic of Iran."

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