A military helicopter flying over Chabahar port on the Arabian Sea

Military Presence, Unrest Mount After Attack On Police HQ In Iran

Saturday, 12/16/2023

In the aftermath of an attack on the police headquarters in Iran, local media reported the continued presence of military helicopters over Chabahar city and its surroundings.

The Halvash website that covers developments in Sistan-Baluchestan Province in the southeast has released videos documenting the ongoing aerial activity.

Halvash noted that Revolutionary Guard forces have deployed dozens of military vehicles for patrolling and mobilizing personnel in Chabahar port, Rask, and neighboring areas. Informed sources revealed that on Saturday morning, three helicopters, accompanied by 40 to 50 military vehicles, departed from the Quds Headquarters of the Revolutionary Guards, heading towards Chabahar and Rask.

The Minister of Interior, Ahmad Vahidi, has traveled to the region in response to the crisis, and top government officials have vowed to track down those responsible for the attack.

The armed assault on the Rask police headquarters, was claimed by the Jaish al-Adl, a Sunni militant group. The poverty-stricken province, home to a significant Sunni population from the Baluch ethnic group, faces tensions with Iran's Shiite clerical rulers. Frequent clashes between security forces, Sunni militants, and drug smugglers are common in the region.

Jaish al-Adl, advocating for greater rights and improved living conditions for ethnic Baluchis, claimed responsibility for the attack. Conflicting figures have emerged, with official reports stating 12 officers killed and at least seven injured, while Jaish al-Adl insists on a higher toll of 50.

Government sources reported two attackers killed, one arrested, and the rest evading capture. In the aftermath, military forces allegedly fired on three Baluch civilians in Rask, resulting in two deaths and one arrest.

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