A picture released by Jordanian army shows a drone with a bundle of drugs attached. Sept. 26, 2023

Jordan Downs Two More Drones Carrying Drugs From Syria

Wednesday, 09/27/2023

The Jordanian army on Tuesday downed two drones carrying drugs from Syria in the latest incident raising concerns over increased smuggling by Iran-backed militias.

The army statement said the drones had crossed into its territory and their hauls of crystal methamphetamine were seized. It warned it would act forcefully to prevent any attempt to destabilize the country's security.

Jordanian officials blame Iranian-backed militias that hold sway in southern Syria. In August, Jordan shot down drones on three occasion.

Iran’s ally Syria is accused by Arab governments and the West of producing the highly addictive and lucrative amphetamine captagon and other drugs, and organizing its smuggling into the Gulf, with Jordan a main transit route.

President Bashar al-Assad's government denies allegations of Syria's involvement in drug-making and smuggling, as well as any complicity by Iranian-backed militias protected by units within the Syrian army and security forces.

Iran says the allegations are part of a Western plot against the country.

Jordanian officials say talks with senior Syrian officials to curb Iranian-run smuggling networks have reached a dead end.

Jordan's King Abdullah said last week that Iran and elements within the Syrian government were benefiting from the drug trade, adding he was not sure if Assad was fully in charge of the country.

"We are fighting every single day on our border to stop massive amounts of drugs coming into our country," Abdullah said.

"And this is a major issue that all the parties, including some people inside the (Syrian) regime, and the Iranians and their proxies, are all taking advantage of," the monarch was quoted as saying at the Middle East Global Summit conference in New York.

General Mark Milley, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff has stated that Washington was working closely with its ally to provide equipment, training and advice to deal with the growing drug trafficking threat.
With reporting by Reuters

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