Palestinians protest calling for an end to internal divisions and resolving longstanding power crisis, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip July 30, 2023.

Demo In Gaza Turns Tense As Journalist Faces Threats From Hamas

Monday, 07/31/2023

A group of children openly mocked Hamas during a demonstration in Gaza on Sunday, provoking threats to journalists.

A video on social media shows the children chanting "Shia! Shia!" in reference to Hamas' alleged ties with Shiite Iran.

Amidst the demonstration, Ihab Fasfous, a veteran Gaza journalist, found himself at the center of a confrontation with Hamas, the governing authority in the Gaza Strip.

According to witnesses, he was threatened twice by the authorities and then demanded to see identification documents of those making the threats. Despite this, he was later arrested by Hamas.

The situation has raised concerns among media organizations, particularly the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, which has strongly condemned the actions of Hamas security forces against impartial reporters. In a statement, the syndicate also addressed an incident involving journalist Walid Abdel Rahman, a prominent member of the General Secretariat of the syndicate. Rahman, a correspondent for Palestine TV was reporting on a march in Jabalia refugee camp when he was beaten by Hamas security forces. This incident reflects a growing pattern of preventing journalists from performing their duties and covering peaceful marches across the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate said, "We strongly condemn the attack by Hamas security forces on journalist Walid Abdel Rahman. It is unacceptable that journalists are being subjected to violence and intimidation while simply doing their job. The syndicate stands in solidarity with all journalists facing such threats and calls for their immediate release."

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