Then Vice President Joe Biden (right) prepares to sign the guest book before his meeting with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem March 9, 2010.

Biden Bashes Netanyahu While Iran Reaps The Benefits, WSJ Says

Friday, 07/14/2023

The Wall Street Journal says President Joe Biden’s repeated criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is worse than how he treats “the ruling mullahs in Iran.”

In an editorial on Thursday, the WSJ argued that the Biden administration’s criticisms of Netanyahu’s judicial reforms constitute interference in Israel’s internal affairs, “in which the US President has no business.”

The Journal argued that Biden’s negative comments about Netanyahu’s policies advance the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

“While Mr. Biden undermines the Netanyahu government, Hamas and other Iranian proxies are gaining power in the West Bank, activating another front against Israel. The new wave of terrorism against Jewish civilians will set back the Palestinian cause but advance Iran’s,” the editorial said.

It also criticized Biden for his failure so far to expand the Abraham Accords because of his less than amicable posture toward Saudi Arabia.

“Perhaps most disappointing has been the failure to extend the Trump-brokered Abraham Accords. The Saudis are the prize, but Mr. Biden’s open hostility drove them to hedge their bets by signing a Chinese-brokered deal with Iran instead. Normalization with Israel may have to wait for a U.S. President interested in rallying a coalition to contain Tehran.”

The Wall Street Journal went on the highlight the Biden administration's failure to conclude a “longer and stronger” nuclear deal with Iran, and instead aim for “an unwritten, stopgap agreement “that would give Tehran tens of billions of dollars to sit on the precipice of nuclear breakout. Call it Hezbollah’s and Islamic Jihad’s lucky day.”

The editorial concluded by saying, “While Tehran escalates its proxy wars and whittles down U.S. nuclear demands, Mr. Biden carries out diplomatic offensives against Saudi Arabia and Israel.”

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