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Three More Iranian Apps Removed From Google Play

Monday, 06/19/2023

After the removal of Iran-based marketplace app Divar from Google Play, three more major Iranian apps have been suspended.

The removal of Digikala, Tapsi and Ap is believed to have taken place due to conforming with US sanctions against Iran.

Several days ago, Divar, a popular online shopping program, was removed from Google Play for being Iran-related.

“Products on Google Play may be subject to United States’ and other jurisdictions’ export control and sanctions laws and regulations,” read Google’s email.

It is not the first time this has affected the apps. Ridesharing app Tapsi and e-commerce platform Digikala, as well as Snap, were removed from Google Play recently but following legal proceedings, were brought back to the platform.

This week, Divar announced they are taking legal steps to contest the decision.

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