Friday Prayer Imam of Tehran, Kazem Seddiqi

Cleric Claims Nuclear Technology Enables Iran To See 15km Underground

Friday, 06/16/2023

An Iranian cleric claims Iran has developed an aircraft that can show 15 kilometers underground where mines and tanks are located.

Friday Prayer Imam of Tehran, Kazem Seddiqi, on Friday made the odd remark during his sermon saying that one of the results of the nuclear industry is exploration.

“We have oil and gas resources underground, but it is important to understand where in the country we have these resources.”

Iran, which enriches uranium to 60 percent purity without any civilian use, tries to claim that it needs the controversial nuclear program for scientific and industrial progress.

He further expressed hope that with the launch of such new tools, the welfare of the Iranian people will be promoted.

“We have serious problems in the field of drinking water in the country, the nuclear industry has been able to prepare sea water for drinking in the southern city of Bushehr and some other places,” he added.

The Islamic Republic is known to make unfounded claims of producing of high-tech devices and weapons as a show of deterrence and as propaganda for domestic audiences.

Last year, Iran claimed it has produced a laser weapon, saying the Islamic Republic is now among the few countries in the world that can build such weapons.

Although Iran wanted to highlight its laser weapon capabilities to target drones and cruise missiles, the directed-energy weapons including lasers are still at their experimental stage even in more advanced countries, and are not seen as practical, high-performance military weapons, because a laser generates a beam of light which needs clear air, or a vacuum, to work.

In the early months of the coronavirus pandemic the IRGC unveiled Mosta'an 110, a simple-looking device that it said was capable of detecting the virus from 100 meters. The episode turned into public ridicule.

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