A pharmacy in Tehran. Undated

Lawmaker Warns About Medicine Shortage In Iran

Sunday, 03/12/2023

An Iranian lawmaker has warned about shortage of medicines, saying that "the financial resources foreseen in the budget bill for the next Iranian year are not sufficient at all."

Mehr state news agency quoted Hosseinali Shahriari on Sunday that due to insufficient financial resources, "we will face problems regarding medicines and medical equipment next year [beginning March 21]."

According to the Iranian parliamentarian, "officials do not have accurate statistics on medicine supplies, and there is constant shortage of even ordinary drugs."

In current Iranian year, ending March 20, the medicine crisis intensified as people witnessed multifold increase in prices. The government scrapped an import subsidy for food and medications last year.

Iran’s rail fell to more than 600,000 in late February from 300,000 in late August. Although the national currency bounced back in the past ten days it is still down 50 percent compared to six months ago.

Parallel markets including gold, gold bullions, and even vehicles, both domestically produced and foreign made, will immediately reflect the change with higher prices. Essential food items, such as red meat, have already risen to unprecedented highs, making them unaffordable to the majority of people.

Based on a bill approved by the parliament, drug prices were supposed not to increase this year, but according to the head of the parliament's health commission, "this did not happen and the price of many drugs, especially those for diabetic and cardiovascular diseases soared and patients' out-of-pocket payments increased accordingly."

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