Protests by expat Iranians

Expat Iranians Hold Rallies In Many European, American Cities

Sunday, 02/05/2023

Iranians and activists in different European and American cities once again held rallies demanding international support for the uprising in Iran and designating the Revolutionary Guard as terrorist.

In the United States, people in San Diego, California expressed solidarity with the protesters in Iran by holding a demonstration on Saturday.

Activists in Sacramento also held a rally, carrying banners and photos of those killed during protests after the death in custody of Mahsa Amini.

In Canada, the cities of Calgary, Vancouver, and Montreal were scenes of similar protests.

Iranians living in the German cities of Hamburg, Frankfurt, Bremen, Cologne and Kassel also held demonstrations, calling for the designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.

In London, a similar demonstration was held to demand that the IRGC be proscribed by the British government.

Iranians and Swedish activists also held rallies in the cities of Gothenburg and Karlstad calling for the expulsion of diplomats of the Islamic Republic.

Iranians in Copenhagen, Denmark, holding pictures of protesters who lost their eyes due to shooting by security agents, demanded the expulsion of the ambassador of the Islamic Republic.

Videos sent to Iran International also show that similar events took place in Vienna, Milan, and Tbilisi.

A big round of rallies is scheduled in many cities for next Saturday.

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