One-Fifth Of Online Jobs Lost In Iran Due To Internet Restrictions

Saturday, 01/07/2023

New figures show that due to extensive internet and social network restrictions, 20 percent of people in Iran have lost their online jobs in the past four months.

According to Jobvision website, the restriction imposed on Iranians’ access to social networks following nationwide protests has resulted in a series of undesirable consequences such as cutbacks, increased uncertainty about the future, reduced salaries, and the suspension of development plans.

The website published a chart showing that 46 percent of organizations have suspended or postponed more than half of their recruitment programs due to the recent internet restrictions.

45% of companies or businesses that depend on the Internet have decided to reduce their payments or had to pay wages by delay.

The statistical findings of Jobvision show one out of every five people have lost their jobs, and 16% of those working in this area expect to be fired soon.

Restrictions on Instagram has had a deep impact on the lives of people who used to make a living on this popular social network.

The government often shuts of slows down access to the Internet and social media platforms, while President Ebrahim Raisi promised in his election campaign that he would not block Instagram because "it is the place of business for many Iranians".

Since the beginning of nationwide protests almost four months ago, the government has cracked down on protests violently, and officials have repeatedly blamed cyberspace and foreign media for provoking the protesters.

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