The building of Israel's parliament the Knesset

Iran-Backed Media Introduce Possible Targets In War On Israel

Monday, 11/28/2022

An Iranian news website has cited “resistance front” media, introducing the most important and sensitive locations in Israel which can be targeted in any future war.

Tasnim news agency, which is affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, quoted a report by Al-Mayadeen network publishing Israel’s sensitive locations, including many civilian targets.

Al Mayadeen TV is a media outlet close to Iran-backed Lebanese militant organization Hezbollah.

Palestinian militant groups and other Iranian allies and proxies are often referred to collectively as the “Resistance” in Iranian official jargon.

The Knesset, prime minister’s office, ministries of foreign affairs, defense, finance, and communications are among the main locations listed as potential targets.

Nuclear sites and facilities including Tirosh Special Weapons Facilities, Israel Institute of Technology, the Rafael Arms Development Authority, and Weizmann Institute of Science are also mentioned in this report as the strategic centers.

The report also says that Israel heavily relies on a series of civilian airports that provide them with safe access to various countries in the world, saying these airports are a proper target for resistance front attacks. The airports are Ben Gurion in Lod, Haifa, and Ramon in southern Israel.

Some military bases like Ramat David in Haifa, Hatzerim and Nevatim Airbases in Be'er Sheva, as well as Urim intelligence-gathering installation are among non-civilian sites introduced as targets to “cripple Israelis’ lives.”

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