Pharmacies On Verge Of Bankruptcy In Iran: Expert

Tuesday, 11/08/2022

An Iranian pharmacist says many of the pharmacies in Iran are going bankrupt due to economic problems.

Mohammad Reza Afkhami, Secretary of Khorasan Razavi Pharmacists Association, said pharmacies are not separate from other guilds and they are not in a good economic situation either.

“Currently, the economy of pharmacies is ruined, and they are on the verge of closing down. If the situation continues like this, we will see the closure of pharmacies soon,” warned Afkhami.

He listed the increase in the number of pharmacies, inflation, lack of pharmaceutical items, high taxes, rents, cost of bills, etc. as factors of the bankruptcy of pharmacies.

This Iranian expert also added that some common medications like cold pills, acetaminophen, amoxicillin, distilled water, and syringes are scarce due to the government mismanagement.

While there are numerous reports about shortages of medicines, including basic drugs and IV fluids in recent months, the country’s health ministry has recently destroyed a huge amount of the imported supplies without the required examination by relevant organizations.

The Islamic Republic has been claiming that United States sanctions prevent procurement of medicines, while Washington insists that humanitarian aid is exempt from sanctions. Iran has been importing more than $1.5 billion of medicines a year.

Considering the incessant bemoaning by the Islamic Republic’s officials about the effect of US sanctions on shortages of medicine in the country, there are speculations that the government is pleased with the psychological effects of the shortages on foreign audiences.

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