Forces of the State Security Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Arrests Group ‘Set Up By Islamic Republic’s Intelligence’

Wednesday, 11/02/2022

Azerbaijan says it has arrested a group of its citizens who had been “trained and funded by Iran's intelligence” to act against the interests of Azerbaijani national security.

Azerbaijan says it has arrested a group of its citizens who had been “trained and funded by Iran's intelligence” to act against the interests of Azerbaijani national security.

The country’s State Security Service announced on its website Tuesday that the armed group, called the Muslim Unity Movement, was secretly formed by Iran's special intelligence service through the inculcation of "radical-extremist religious ideas."

After recruitment, the members of the group were taken to Tehran through third countries, were given religious nicknames, and were transferred to Syria on military cargo planes with fake documents. In Syria, they underwent military training and received funding. 

They were involved in military exercises where they were taught using different firearms and combat tactics as well psychological warfare such as “the use of blackmail.” Following their training, they brought books and videos which propagated "radical, religious-extremist attitudes against the ideas of modern development and a secular state."

Azerbaijan’s State Security Service said the leader of the group was arrested by a court order in 2018 for similar criminal acts. The statement named several of the members of the group, alleging that they are currently hiding in Iran. One of the suspects was arrested while "attempting a terrorist act" against Israeli billionaire Teddy Sagi in Cyprus. 

Relations between Baku and Tehran have been tense in recent years, especially after the Islamic Republic sided with Armenia in their territorial disputes. Tehran in the past has also expressed alarm at alleged Israeli military presence in Azerbaijan.

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