Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi addresses a conference in Tehran on August 21, 2022.

Raisi Says Iran Will Not Give Up On Nation’s Rights In Nuclear Talks

Sunday, 08/21/2022

Iran’s president says his administration will not give up on the nation’s rights in any negotiations as agreement to revive the 2015 nuclear deal seems imminent. 

During his address at a conference attended by a selection of clergymen on Sunday, Ebrahim Raisi said, “We will not back down on the nation’s rights at any meeting or negotiation” alluding to the ongoing talks on restoring the nuclear accord, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Claiming that his administration has achieved many of its goals, he said his government “will not tie people’s livelihood to any external factor and will persevere in its effort to solve the problems facing the country and people.”

Raisi made the remarks amid speculations about the fate of the JCPOA after Iran conveyed its response to an EU-proposed draft to conclude the Vienna talks. 

However, Nour News, a website affiliated with the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), Ali Shamkhani, said on Sunday that although in recent days many speculations and statements were made about the nature of Iran's response and US views, until parties present in Vienna Talks speak officially, none of this can reflect current realities. 

Mohammad Marandi, who acts as de facto spokesman for Iran's nuclear negotiating team, also said on Sunday that final steps remain to be taken to achieve an agreement, but "evidence shows that the US reaction is clear, and they know they should cooperate with Iran and our negotiating team in these final steps."

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