Senator Mary Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee

Republican Lawmakers Introduce The Iran China Accountability Act

Tuesday, 05/31/2022

A group of Republican lawmakers have reintroduced the Iran China Accountability Act aimed at prohibiting a nuclear deal until Tehran terminates ties with China and groups like Hamas.

Senator Mary Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee led the legislation jointly with Senators Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), while Congressman Bob Good (R-Va.) introduced the House version of the bill.

The bill is to impose certain requirements for the renegotiation or reentry into the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) or other agreements relating to Iran’s nuclear program, until the Islamic Republic can ensure the national security interests of the US and its allies are protected, by terminating strategic, security and military partnerships with China and stopping transfers of cash to proxy forces, including Hamas.

“The Obama-Biden Iran Deal has always been a failure. The Biden administration should not re-enter a deal that legitimizes the Iranian regime — especially while they continue to fund terrorism, endorse Communist China’s dangerous government, and facilitate genocide.

Describing Iran and China as two of America’s greatest adversaries that cannot be trusted, Senator Scott said, Iran chants ‘death to America’ and wants to destroy our great ally, Israel. Communist China will stop at nothing in its quest for world domination. These dangerous regimes, clearly emboldened by President Biden’s appeasement and desperate desire to re-enter the failed Iran nuclear deal, are working to gain a critical foothold in the Middle East.

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