Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett

Iran Would Not Go Unpunished For Instigating Attacks – Israeli PM

Sunday, 05/29/2022

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Sunday Iran would not go unpunished for instigating attacks through its proxies.

Speaking a week after the assassination in Tehran of Revolutionary Guard colonel Hassan Sayyad-Khodaei -- a member of Quds Force, responsible for operations outside Iran’s borders -- that has been blamed on Israel, he said, "Whoever funds terrorists, whoever arms terrorists, whoever sends out terrorists, will pay the full price.”

"For decades, the Iranian regime has practiced terrorism against Israel and the region by means of proxies, emissaries, but the head of the octopus, Iran itself, has enjoyed immunity," Bennett said.

"As we have said before, the era of the Iranian regime's immunity is over. Those who finance terrorists, those who arm terrorists and those who send terrorists will pay the full price," he added.

"Iran has also been investing in lies such as its deliberate misleading of the IAEA in order to evade visits by the agency, as was revealed last week. The Iranian regime is based on tyranny, terror and lies," Bennett added, noting that "The world must stand alongside the Iranian people and stand up against the brutal regime."

Khodaei was killed outside his home on a residential street in Tehran on Sunday when two gunmen on motorcycles approached his car and fired five bullets at him.

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