EU's Enrique Mora in Vienna. November 29, 2021

EU Coordinator Mora To Visit Iran Tuesday For Nuclear Talks

Saturday, 05/07/2022

Enrique Mora, the European Union coordinator for the Iran nuclear talks, will visit Tehran on Tuesday, Nour News, close to Iran’s national security council reported Saturday.

“Considering the role of the European Union in exchange of views between Tehran and Washington, Enrique Mora’s trip to Tehran could be a new step for constructive exploration of a few remaining limited but important issues,” the website said.

Multilateral talks that began more than a year ago in Vienna to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement known as JCPOA stalled in mid-March, primarily because of Tehran’s demand to remove its Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) from a US list of terrorist organizations.

Earlier on Saturday, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell expressed hope that Mora could visit Tehran as a last-ditch effort to salvage the talks.

The Biden administration so far has not accepted Iran’s demand for delisting the IRGC, as more domestic pressure has emerged in Washington against such a move. Almost all Republicans and many Democrats oppose any concessions to Iran.

“Although the continuation of hostile approaches by America against our country contradict the spirit of negotiations for an agreement, but the process of talks have continued,” Nour News said.

Iran is facing what appears to be unsurmountable economic problems partly triggered by US economic sanctions. Tehran this week raised flour prices, which led to unprecedented rise in the cost of bread for millions of impoverished citizens.

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