IAEA cameras that are installed at Iran's nuclear sites.

Iran Says It May Delete Camera Footage Of Nuclear Sites

Saturday, 04/16/2022

The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) reiterated Saturday that it would not hand camera footage from nuclear sites to the International Atomic Energy Agency if a new nuclear deal is not reached with world powers.

AEIO spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said in an interview with Iran's al-Alam television channel Saturday the camera footage might be deleted.

Since Iran last year reduced access of the IAEA to that required under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty, a temporary arrangement has been in place allowing the agency to maintain surveillance equipment at nuclear sites while no longer having instant access.

Kamalvandi reiterated that the AEOI had transferred manufacturing equipment from a complex at Karaj, west of Tehran, to Natanz and Esfahan. He said this followed an act of sabotage, a reference to an attack in June 2021 widely attributed to Israel: “We had to tighten security measures.”

The IAEA announced earlier in the week that a new workshop at Natanz would begin making parts for centrifuges, which enrich uranium. Iran began expanding its nuclear program in 2019 − the year after the United States left the 2015 nuclear deal − beyond the limits set by the deal, in levels of enrichment, in stockpiles of enriched uranium, and in the use of more advanced centrifuges, the machines used for enriching uranium.

Year-long Vienna talks with world powers, following the commitment of the Biden administration to revive the 2015 agreement, the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), are stalled.

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