Israeli air force planes in a demonstration flight.

Israel 'Accelerates' Preparations For Action Against Iran

Tuesday, 04/05/2022

The chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces says the air force has accelerated preparation for action against the Islamic Republic.

Speaking at a ceremony to assign a new air force commander on Monday, Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi said that the missions are expanding in different fields including “the readiness for action in Iran, which is currently in an accelerated process of preparation”.

He added that Israel is also upgrading its wide range of aircraft and airborne sensors and increasing and perfecting the scope of aerial attacks of all kinds.

The strikes by the air force have "decisive impact" in preventing Iranian forces from entrenching themselves in Syria, keeping Hezbollah out of the southern Golan Heights, and preventing Israel's enemies from "gaining advanced weapons systems", he said.

Expressing concerns over increased violence during the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan, he said security forces have foiled at least 10 attempted attacks in the last two weeks.

A total of 11 people were killed in a one-week period in a succession of fatal attacks -- a car-ramming and stabbing spree in Beersheba, mass shootings in Bnei Brak and Hadera, and a stabbing in Gush Etzion.

The attacks were praised by Iran-backed Lebanese Hezbollah and media affiliated with Iran Revolutionary Guards.

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