US Republican Representative Claudia Tenney

Republican Lawmaker Says IRGC Is Plotting To Kill Americans In US

Tuesday, 03/22/2022

A Republican Congresswoman has criticized the Biden administration for considering removing Iran’s Revolutionary Guards from the US foreign terrorist blacklist.

Representative Claudia Tenney said in a tweet on Monday that “the IRGC is actively plotting to kill Americans in the United States and has already killed Americans abroad”.

“Why is the Biden Administration even considering removing the group’s terrorist designation?” she asked.

The talk of removing the IRGC from the list has drawn sharp criticism from Republicans as well as Democrats since sources told Axios and Reuters last week that Washington is weighing the option in return for unspecified Iranian assurances.

Democratic congresswoman Elaine Luria, a naval veteran, said last week that reviving the JCPOA would “put Iran and Israel on a collision course,” echoing remarks by Israel’s ambassador to the United States Michael Herzog.

In addition to American officials, Israel’s prime minister and foreign minister have called on Washington to keep IRGC on the list, saying “The Revolutionary Guards are a terrorist organization that has murdered thousands of people, including Americans”.

Iranian officials have been publicly raising the issue since at least November, saying a ‘good deal’ would mean lifting sanctions on the Revolutionary Guard.

Such a step would reverse former President Donald Trump's 2019 blacklisting of the group, the first time the US had formally labeled part of another sovereign government as a terrorist group.

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