Cars destroyed in attack on petrochemical company in southern Iran.

Petrochemical Company In Southern Iran Comes Under Armed Attack

Saturday, 02/26/2022

A petrochemical company in southern Iran has come under attack reportedly by armed men, igniting a big fire that burned nearly a dozen vehicles.

According to ISNA, the incident took place in the Rahavaran Fonoun petrochemical company – owned by the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation, aka Persian Gulf Holding -- in the port city of Mahshahr in Khuzestan province early on Saturday.

The details of the attack are not released yet but according to reports armed men entered the premises of the company, broke the windows of the security compound, and set the cars in the parking area on fire.

The public relations manager of the firm, Hamid Danesh, told Fars news that “breaking the windows of the security compound, like in this incident, clashing with the security forces of the company and also theft have been among similar cases in recent months."

Head of Public Relations of Mahshahr Petrochemical Special Economic Zone Organization, Mohsen Adib, told ISNA that the incident was not “a terrorist attack” but it had a “security dimension” without providing further details.

Earlier in November, an oil and gas pipeline in Khuzestan province exploded and caught fire in what the official media said was the result of metal “fatigue”.

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