Iran's Mohajer drone is one of many UAVs making advances in Tehran's arsenal.

Iranian Drones Posing Threat To Israel Shot Down Over Iraq

Thursday, 02/17/2022

Israeli forces say two UAVs launched from Iran were shot down in Iraq amid fears that the drones were intended to reach Israeli territory and explode.

It is not clear who shot down the drones. US forces in Iraq are equipped with air defense weapons, but there has been no confirmation that they engaged the drones

According to Arutz Sheva on Thursday, the Iranian drones were downed on Tuesday while reports by Iranian media say Israel is helping American forces to attack the Houthi rebels and militant organizations affiliated with Iran.

Israel’s Kan 11 News reported on Wednesday that the Israeli defense establishment is preparing for the possibility of a drone attack from Iran and believes that Iran will continue its attempts to carry out such an attack.

Earlier on Thursday, Israel targeted a Syrian army base near Damascus used by Iranian forces with surface-to-surface missiles fired from Golan Heights.

In early February, the Israel Air Force held a drill to simulate an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities with dozens of warplanes, as tensions remain high in the region.

The Israelis touted the participation of a US official as an observer as evidence of a shift in Washington’s approach to Tehran’s nuclear program as the Vienna talks to revive the deal seem to falter.

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