A man introduced as a Houthi student in Iran was invited to speak at Friday Prayer.

Iran’s Friday Sermons Focus On Yemen, Followed By Pro-Houthi Rallies

Friday, 01/28/2022

In a state-sponsored move in a few large Iranian cities, Friday Prayer attendees held demonstrations against the war in Yemen and Saudi Arabia’s involvement.

The Friday Prayer sermons were focused on Yemen on January 28, with clerics representing the Supreme Leader Ali Kamenei calling for an end to the Saudi attacks on Houthi held territories in Yemen.

A representative of Yemeni students in Iran even delivered a speech in Tehran before Friday Prayer leader Ahmad Khatami took the stage to reiterate the Islamic Republic’s public policies about the war in Yemen.

Iran supports the Houthis – officially known as the Ansarullah movement – and reportedly provides them with weaponry and military assistance in their fight against the Saudi-led coalition.

Following the prayers on Friday, people were led to the streets for a demonstration rally against Saudi Arabia.

The contents of Friday Prayer sermons delivered by Khamenei's local representative in various cities are dictated by two state bodies close to Khamenei's office, officially known as "The Policy-making Council for Friday Prayer Imams" and the "Friday Prayer Headquarters," both dominated by hardliner clerics.

Saudi Arabia has recently intensified its attacks in Yemen following two drone and missile strikes by Houthis on coalition partner the United Arab Emirates, in which three people were killed and some fuel tankers exploded.

A coalition airstrike killed about 14 people in a building in Yemen's Houthi-held capital Sanaa, the deadliest since 2019.

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