Former US President Donald Trump.

Iranian Paper Says Animation Showing Trump's Killing Scared The US

Saturday, 01/15/2022

Iran’s hardliner Kayhan daily wrote Saturday that an animation video depicting the killing of former US President Donald Trump has caused “terror and fear” in the “terrorist American government.”

Kayhan, which is financed by the office of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, is one of the most radical, hardliner newspapers in Iran. Its chief editor is also appointed by Khamenei.

Khamenei’s official website on Thursday posted the video showing the assassination of former President Donald Trump on a golf course.

The animation shows an all-terrain vehicle with an operator on board driving through a golf course and approaching a point from where its camera shows a man who looks like Trump playing golf. The operator targets the figure and a large gun on top of the vehicle aims at the target and the video ends.

Khamenei and top civilian and military leaders have repeatedly said they will avenge the killing of Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian military and intelligence operator who organized and controlled anti-Western and anti-Israeli militant groups in the Middle East. Trump ordered his killing in early 2020. He was one of Khamenei’s most trusted people.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is one the Americans named by Iran for revenge, said Friday that while Tehran is threatening to kill former US officials, the Biden Administration continues its nuclear negotiations in Vienna.

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