The animation video on Khamenei's website with the caption, "Revenge is for certain".

Lindsey Graham Slams Iranian Animation Portraying Trump's Killing

Thursday, 01/13/2022

US Senator Lindsey Graham has slammed an animated video posted by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei showing an attack on former US President Donald Trump.

Graham tweeted Thursday, hours after Khamenei put the video on his official website, “In case you were wondering who we are dealing with when it comes to the Iranian – this video says all you need to know.”

The animation shows an all-terrain vehicle with an operator on board driving through a golf course and approaching a point from where its camera shows a man who looks like Trump playing golf. The operator targets the figure and a large gun on top of the vehicle aims at the target and the video ends.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan warned Iran on Sunday not to carry out threats to harm any Americans, after Tehran intensified calls for revenge on the second anniversary of Qasem Soleimani’s death.

Islamic Republic leaders have been issuing threats to take revenge from American and Israeli officials who they believe were involved in planning and carrying out Soleimani’s killing by a US drone strike in Baghdad in January 2020. Trump who authorized the killing is at the top of the Iranian list.

More than 100 Republican Congressmen have written to the Biden Administration to stop nuclear talks with Iran.

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