Lebanese Hezbollah forces supported by Iran have been fighting in Syria for a decade.

Iran, Hezbollah Expanding Old Military Bases In Syria

Sunday, 01/02/2022

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and Lebanon’s Hezbollah have reportedly started construction work to expand two old military bases near the Syrian capital Damascus.

According to a report by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) on Sunday, they are turning the compounds into training and operations centers with underground facilities to store drones and weapons.

The report said that Hezbollah forces have driven out farmers from the nearby village of Khirbet al-Ward to prevent filming of their activities in and around an old military base, which is located near the town of Sayyidah Zaynab south of Damascus.

Construction work with excavators has also started around the Dimas airbase, west of the capital, the report added, claiming that shipments of weapons and drones will be concealed in basements there, probably replacing the Tiyas Military Airbase in the Homs area that was reportedly targeted by Israeli airstrikes.

SOHR added that shipments of weapons and ammunition as well as parts to assemble drones have been delivered to the military airbase in Dimas, which is now under almost full control of the IRGC and Iran-backed militias.

Israeli warplanes have fired missiles at the port in the coastal city of Latakia, twice in less than a month causing destroying “a large number of containers,” of weapons shipped from Iran.

Israel conducts attacks at Iranian supplies headed for the Lebanese Hezbollah and other proxy forces.

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