An earlier photo of IRGC operations in southeastern Iran.

Armed Group In Iran Kills 3 Locals Fighting Alongside IRGC

Saturday, 01/01/2022

Three local members of the paramilitary Basij who were fighting armed groups alongside Revolutionary Guards in southeastern Iran have been killed, the IRGC said.

The clashes took place on Saturday in Korin district of Sistan-Baluchestan province, which has been the scene of clashes between the IRGC and a local armed group in recent weeks.

According to a statement, five members of the armed group were also killed and some injured during the skirmishes.

The Basij is a paramilitary force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and mainly consists of young Iranians who volunteer, to receive benefits. Its members usually go through limited training to serve as an auxiliary force in local security activities and enforcing state control over society.

On December 25, two Revolutionary Guards were also killed in the country's restive southeastern region.

In recent years, Sistan-Baluchestan has been the scene of frequent clashes between Iranian security forces and drug smugglers and Sunni Baluch militant groups, which are designated as terrorist organizations by the Islamic Republic.

In February, a series of protests broke out in the province after over 20 Baluch fuel traders were killed by the IRGC at the Iran-Pakistan border.

Iran accuses the United States and its regional allies of providing support for armed groups that are active in the region.

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