British FM Tells Iran It Is 'The Last Chance' To Return To Nuclear Deal

Wednesday, 12/08/2021

British foreign minister Liz Truss has urged Iran to return to the 2015 nuclear deal saying it was "the last chance", just a day before talks are set to resume.

"This is really the last chance for Iran to sign up and I strongly urge them to do that because we are determined to work with our allies to prevent Iran securing nuclear weapons," she told the Chatham House think tank.

"So they do need to sign up to the JCPOA (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) agreement, it's in their interests to do so."

State-controlled media in Iran announced Tuesday that talks will resume Thursday and the European Union’s chief negotiator and the coordinator of the Vienna nuclear talk confirmed it on Wednesday.

Talks to revive the JCPOA resumed on November 29 after a five-month hiatus following Iran’s presidential elections in June. Iran had delayed its return to the talks, while continuing to enrich uranium, causing serious concern in Western capitals. However, after five days of negotiations talks adjourned Friday without any results, as Iran presented new demands.

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