Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud. FILE PHOTO

Saudi Foreign Minister Discusses Iran With EU Coordinator

Thursday, 10/21/2021

Saudi foreign minister discussed the Iran nuclear negotiations with the European Union envoy coordinating talks on reviving the Iran nuclear deal on Thursday.

Prince Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud discussed the Iran nuclear talks with the European Union envoy, Enrique Mora, the Saudi Foreign ministry said on Thursday.

"They discussed developments regarding the Iranian nuclear program talks, and international efforts to ensure that Iran does not violate international agreements and treaties in this regard," it added in a statement.

Iran has been enriching uranium far beyond limits set by the 2015 nuclear agreement, JCPOA. The West and many regional countries are concerned at the possibility of Iran becoming a nuclear threshold state.

Prince Faisal met with US Special envoy Rob Malley on Thursday also to discuss the Iran nuclear talks. Saudi Arabia, which opposed the JCPOA and backed former president Donald Trump in leaving the deal in 2018, wants the US to introduce new issues, including Iran’s missile program and links with regional allies.

Saudi Arabia has tempered its approach since US president Joe Biden took office in January committed to restoring the JCPOA and has held a series of exploratory talks with Iran in Baghdad designed to explore easing tensions.

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